7:30 to 9:00 p.m. ET
National TRIO Alumni Association receptions bring together graduates from TRIO programs, creating a platform for networking and building professional connections. The reception attracts accomplished individuals from various industries, providing you with the chance to meet and engage with influential alumni, potential mentors, and industry experts. Gain insights into specific industries, learn about job opportunities, and gather valuable advice on career advancement. Connecting with successful alumni may also lead to mentorship or job referrals, giving you a competitive edge in your professional journey. Reminisce about shared experiences, discuss common interests, and strengthen your bonds with fellow TRIO alumni. Building a strong alumni network can lead to lifelong friendships and mutually beneficial relationships.
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Pinching Pennies: Cost Saving Summer Programming for Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math-Science
Proposal Writing Workshop
Proposal Writing Workshop: Educational Opportunity Centers
Proposal Writing Workshop
Proposal Writing Workshop: Talent Search