Get quickly up to speed with three learning modes.
OnboardingGet help accessing and analyzing data before you submit the APR.
empowerLearn about the pillars of good project management: participation, engagement, collaboration, and results.
Strong Startcompliance assessment
Review administrative fiscal, programmatic and activities to examine compliance with applicable TRIO program laws, regulations, and policies.
The focus of a compliance assessment is to review administrative, fiscal, programmatic, and activities to examine compliance with applicable TRIO program laws, regulations, and policies and bring any pertinent findings or deficiencies to the attention of the institution or agency.
communities of practice
connect with college access & success professionals throughout our network
COE maintains several Communities of Practice that allow college access and success practitioners to share best practices and cultivate new ideas. Membership to any of the communities discussed in more detail below is free.
Upcoming Events
Pinching Pennies: Cost Saving Summer Programming for Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math-Science
Proposal Writing Workshop
Proposal Writing Workshop: Educational Opportunity Centers
Proposal Writing Workshop
Proposal Writing Workshop: Talent Search
Free Training
P3 Retention and Graduation for Pre-College Programs
Online Course
Advising First-Generation Students eTutorial
Career Opportunities
Interested in working at the Council for Opportunity in Education? View our current openings and apply today!