3:00 to 4:00 p.m. ET
Presenting your work at COE’s Annual Conference is a great way to share your research and ideas with college access and success professionals. During this free webinar, learn more about the conference session submission process and discuss how to design a competitive conference proposal. Receive suggestions that can help you improve your work and demonstrate your expertise to increase the chances that COE selects your proposal for a presentation at Annual Conference 2024 in New York City, from September 8-11. The due date for the conference session submissions is Friday, March 29.
Upcoming Events
Enhance the services you provide low-income, first-generation students and students with disabilities to increase their chances of success.
Pinching Pennies: Cost Saving Summer Programming for Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math-Science
Proposal Writing Workshop
Proposal Writing Workshop: Talent Search
Proposal Writing Workshop
Proposal Writing Workshop: Educational Opportunity Centers
Free Training
P3 Retention and Graduation for Pre-College Programs
Online Course
Advising First-Generation Students eTutorial