2:00 to 4:00 p.m. ET
Become a FAFSA completion expert and get $2,000 for your TRIO program! COE would like to help your TRIO program increase FAFSA completion rates. Removing barriers to enrolling in college is a priority for college access and success programs, and COE would like to help the TRIO community demystify the process. Thanks to generous support from the Educational Credit Management Corporation (ECMC), COE is providing 100 TRIO programs with $2,000 grants to assist with FAFSA completion events for TRIO participants.
To qualify for the $2000 grant, at least one member of your TRIO program staff must participate in COE’s Train the FAFSA Experts seminar on Tuesday, July 23, from 2:00–4:00 p.m. ET. Additionally, the program must commit to hosting FAFSA completion events throughout the end of July and August (serving no fewer than 120 participants) and provide COE with event details. COE will award grants to those who attend the entire seminar and complete the registration form provided after the event on a first-come, first-served basis. Award recipients can use the $2000 grant to assist your program in getting families in the door (i.e. food, small gift cards; a $25-per-person limit applies). The first step is to join us on Tuesday, July 23.
- With any questions, please email COE Associate Vice President of Pre-College & State Initiatives Jen Rudolph at [email protected].
The aim is to increase FAFSA completion rates and combat “summer melt” by enhancing college enrollment rates for students wishing to enroll in the 2024-25 academic year.
Through generous support from ECMC, COE is providing $2,000 of funding for 100 TRIO programs, or a combination of programs, to support the Department of Education’s student financial aid programs. The aim is to increase FAFSA completion rates and combat “summer melt” by enhancing college enrollment rates for students wishing to enroll in the 2024-25 academic year. COE will fund the first 100 complete applications received, provided that the applicants satisfy specific requirements, including attending a Train the FAFSA Expert webinar and serving at least 120 participants with the proposed activities.
Data and Reporting
Applicants must collect data to complete a final report detailing the results of the FAFSA Completion Initiative. Reports should include the number of FAFSAs completed, new counselors or staff trained, participant engagement, and the reach of media efforts. Reports must be submitted within 14 days after the initiatives or by Thursday, September 5.
Preparing Your Application
- Applicants should be ready to provide:
- Contact information for the person submitting the grant.
- Program names and PR Award Numbers.
- A brief overview of the proposed initiatives.
- Commitment to serve at least 120 participants and complete activities by August 31, 2024.
- Estimated number of FAFSAs to be completed.
- Required W9 for the institution/agency.
- Agreement to comply with the instructions and data collection requirements.
By following these steps, TRIO programs can apply for funding to support their efforts in increasing FAFSA completion rates and college enrollment, ultimately contributing to the success of their students.
Steps to Apply
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