Advocacy Center

A key factor in our students’ success is our community’s ability to advocate successfully. Get the latest news, resources, and helpful information to assist TRIO supporters in advocating for college access and success.

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Owen Toomey

Congress Averts Shutdown by Passing a Continuing Resolution for Funding Until December

Congress passed a continuing resolution (CR) on Wednesday, September 25 to keep the government funded beyond the end of the Fiscal Year (FY) on Monday, September 30. The President signed the bill into law on the next day. The CR runs until Friday, December 20, by when Congress will have to pass an omnibus appropriations…
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Kimberly Jones

Senate Committee Approves $20M Increase for TRIO Programs: Here’s How to Keep the Momentum

The Senate Appropriations Committee passed its version of the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education (LHHS) funding bill for Fiscal Year 2025 – which funds the Federal TRIO Programs – this morning. The LHHS bill includes a $20 million increase over the FY24 budget for TRIO. This $20 million increase was requested by the…
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Kimberly Jones

House Appropriations Subcommittee proposes 11% cut to LHHS budget; Slashes Federal Work Study and SEOG by 50%

The funding bill cuts education funding by 14%. Still, it maintains TRIO, GEAR UP, and Pell funding flat – meaning it does not increase or decrease – but will halve the Federal Work-Study Program and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Program funding.
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Owen Toomey

House Appropriations Committee Threatens Harsh Cuts to LHHS Funding

The House Appropriations Committee proposed FY25 budget adheres to statutory caps, leading to a 6% across-the-board cut and an 11% reduction in funding for Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, with advocacy needed to prevent cuts to TRIO programs.
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Owen Toomey

Congress Averts Shutdown, Levels Funding for TRIO and GEAR UP Programs in FY24

Because the Fiscal Responsibility Act, also known as the debt limit deal, capped federal spending at FY23 levels, the Federal TRIO Programs received level funding at $1.191 billion. Similarly, GEAR UP received level funding at $388 million. When combined with mandatory funding, the agreement continues to support a total maximum Pell Grant award of $7,395 for the 2024-2025 award year. Congress continued funding the Federal Work-Study program at $1.2 billion and the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant program (SEOG) at $910 million.
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Kimberly Jones

President Biden Releases FY25 Budget Request to Congress

President Biden’s FY25 budget request emphasizes minimal increases due to budget constraints but includes a $20 million raise for the Federal TRIO Programs, urging Congress for adjustments to benefit low-income students. Advocacy efforts aim for a $68 million increase for TRIO, addressing inflation and expanding support for first-generation, low-income students during the Policy Seminar in Washington, D.C.
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Kimberly Jones

Congress Marches Towards Spring Finale for FY24 Appropriations

Congress passed a third Continuing Resolution in mid-January, extending government funding into March with staggered deadlines of March 1 and March 8. Despite initial reluctance from Speaker Mike Johnson, the short-term CR was necessary to allow time for developing bills at the new FY24 spending level agreed upon by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Speaker Johnson. Negotiations for top-line spending levels are ongoing, with the House adding voting days in February to pass FY24 spending bills before early March deadlines, though attaching conservative policy riders remains contentious.
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Kimberly Jones

FY24 Funding Fight Paused Until Early 2024

President Biden signed the Further Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act of 2024, averting a government shutdown on November 17 and maintaining federal funding at FY’23 levels. The legislation, incorporating a two-tiered structure proposed by House Speaker Mike Johnson, extends funding for four appropriations bills until January 19, 2024, with the remaining eight bills, including the Labor-Health and Human Services-Education (LHHS), set to expire on February 2, 2024, in an effort to avoid a year-end omnibus package.
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Diane Shust

House Elects U.S. Representative Mike Johnson (LA-4) as Speaker, Promise to Move FY24 Appropriations Bills Quickly Follows

The House elected Rep. Mike Johnson as the new Speaker, replacing former Speaker Rep. Kevin McCarthy. Johnson has outlined an ambitious schedule for considering pending funding bills, including the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations bill that funds TRIO programs, during the week of November 13.
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Diane Shust

FY24 Appropriations Process Stunted; Shutdown on the Horizon

Because TRIO is ‘forward-funded,’ current program operations are funded by last year’s appropriations bill. In other words, Program Year 2023-2024 is funded by the FY2023 bill passed last year. Therefore, if there is a temporary government ‘shut down,’ it will have no impact on your ability to use your funding.
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Maureen Hoyler

House Subcommittee Level Funds TRIO in Bill That Cuts Overall FY24 Funding by 28%

COE celebrates a significant win as the Federal TRIO Programs receive level funding in the FY 2024 Appropriations bill despite a 28% cut in Department of Education funding. This achievement is attributed to your advocacy, and further steps involving both the House and Senate are required before finalizing the TRIO number.
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TRIO Professionals: Your Voice Matters—And So Does Theirs!

As a TRIO professional, you are dedicated to empowering students to reach their full potential. Now, let’s extend that empowerment to civic engagement! Voting is one of the most powerful ways to shape the future, and it all starts with registering. We invite you to join our campaign to ensure that every eligible TRIO participant—and you—are registered to vote. Completing this simple form will direct you to your local Secretary of State, Lieutenant Governor, or Department of Elections website, where you can register with ease. Register yourself and guide your of-age TRIO participants to complete the form. It’s a quick, impactful step that can make a world of difference. Let’s work together to ensure that our voices are heard loud and clear in the next election.


News & Impact

More than 875,000 low-income, first-generation students and students with disabilities — from sixth grade through college graduation — are served by over 3,500 programs nationally.

advocacy toolkit

Take Action Now!

The key to TRIO’s success in creating over 5 million first-generation college graduates has been the strength of our community’s advocacy. Be part of our collective effort to fight for more funding to expand access to these life-changing services and programs. Contact your House Representatives and Senators today and tell them that TRIO WORKS!


Contacts List

Let’s remind your Members of Congress that TRIO works!

Use the contact information for all congressional education staffers and schedulers by state and district.


Sample One-Pager

Now is the time to let your students and their stories shine!

Use this sample resource to share the successes of your students and programs with Members of Congress.



COE offers resources to aid your TRIO advocacy.


Get in Touch

Questions? Contact the Vice President of Public Policy, Diane Shust.

trio map

The United States needs to boost both its academic and economic competitiveness globally.

More than 800,000 low-income, first-generation students and students with disabilities — from sixth grade through college graduation — are served by over 3,100 programs nationally.

TRIO Caucus

Congressional Champions of TRIO

The Congressional TRIO Caucus is a bipartisan group of Members of Congress supportive of the Federal TRIO Programs and higher education access for low-income, first-generation, and disabled students.

about the trio caucus

TRIO Alumni

Here’s how you can get involved

Take action and tell your Member of Congress how TRIO works! The Take Action Now page will allow you to send a message on current TRIO issues in Congress. Use the toolkit below to stay in constant contact with Congress at each point in the appropriations process.


Latest News & Impact

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If you are a student support services professional, thank you. You are an unsung hero for all the good that you do, and surely you know by now that COE has your back.



Through strategic collaborations, we work to strengthen quality, opportunity and access to education for all American students — the next generation of global leaders.

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Join more than 1,000 colleges and community agencies committed to postsecondary opportunity for low-income, first-generation students, students with disabilities in all 50 states, Washington, D.C., the Pacific Islands, and Puerto Rico!

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