“National Student Leadership Congress has opened my eyes”: Future leaders realize their power in D.C. this summer. 

COE’s annual National Student Leadership Congress for first-generation high school students, with its visits to the Capitol and participation in debates, is often described as transformational for the young people who participate in the five-day experience.

From June 8 through 13, bright young minds from across the United States and U.S. territories converged to embark on a journey of discovery and leadership. Each year, the Council for Opportunity in Education (COE) hosts the National Student Leadership Congress (NSLC) in Washington, D.C. This six-day event empowers 150 high school TRIO program participants to address today’s societal issues and engage in a Mock Congress. 

Upon arriving at American University, TRIO Upward Bound, Upward Bound Math-Science, and Talent Search students were warmly welcomed by their NSLC counselors, which included TRIO staff, alumni, COE staff, and former NSLC participants. They delved into a rich program of activities, from simulating a congressional session to exploring famous landmarks and museums. They also had the opportunity to meet with their Senators and Representatives on Capitol Hill, discussing critical issues and gaining firsthand insight into the legislative process. 

This summer, Yessenya Jimenez from the TRIO Talent Search program at Coastal Bend College in Beeville, Texas, found the experience eye-opening. “It opened my eyes. I’ve always wondered how everyone else is different, and at NSLC, I got to experience that,” she shared. Coming from a small, insular town, Yessenya was struck by the diversity and the realization that “there is more to life than living in a small town.”

Paige Vick, from the TRIO Talent Search program at Weatherford College in Texas, echoed similar sentiments. “NSLC has opened my eyes, and I would have never thought that I, a student from a low-income household, would get this experience,” Paige remarked. The event helped her break out of her shell, embrace her true self, and form friendships with peers from across the country. Paige’s participation in NSLC and her gratitude for the TRIO program underscore the life-changing impact of such opportunities. 

Pictured left to right: Loryn Geisel, Upward Bound, Saint Francis University, Yessenya Jimenez, Talent Search, Coastal Bend College and Paige Vick, Talent Search, Weatherford College. To view more pictures from NSLC 2024, click here.

For Loryn Geisel, who participates in the TRIO Upward Bound program at Saint Francis University in Pennsylvania, the initial nervousness quickly gave way to a sense of belonging and growth. “I was nervous because I thought I wouldn’t share anything in common with anyone,” she admitted. However, by the second and third days, she had connected with others and became more open to new experiences. Loryn’s favorite TRIO activity is a “Poetry Out Loud” class, which has bolstered her confidence and public speaking skills, leading to her becoming the 2023 Poetry Out Loud champion and competing at regionals. 

Zamiah Bright from the TRIO Upward Bound program at I.C. Norcom High School in Virginia described her NSLC experience as “wonderful.” The support from friends and her counselor enriched her time in D.C. Participating in a Mock Congress was a novel experience for Zamiah, who appreciated the learning opportunities and the chance to form new friendships. The NSLC experience extended beyond the Mock Congress, offering students valuable opportunities for learning and engagement.

One highlight was a Q&A session with Kimberly Jones, President of The Council for Opportunity in Education, and bestselling author Alejandra Campoverdi. During this session, they discussed a variety of compelling topics, including Campoverdi’s award winning book, First Gen: A Memoir. In her memoir, which is also COE’s 2024 Opportunity Matters Book Club selection, Campoverdi shares her personal journey, detailing the challenges and triumphs she experienced as a first-generation college student. This conversation provided students with insights and inspiration, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity. 

To view more pictures from NSLC 2024, click here.

The National Student Leadership Congress exemplifies the power of experiential learning and community engagement for pre-college students in TRIO programs. Through diverse activities such as congressional simulations, landmark visits, and Capitol Hill meetings, first-generation-to-college and low-income high school students like Yessenya, Paige, Loryn, and Zamiah have broadened their horizons and gained invaluable insights into their potential and the broader world. These personal growth stories highlight NSLC’s impact, demonstrating how it helps students from varied backgrounds connect, share, and grow beyond their local environments. COE has seasonal student opportunities for TRIO students and recent graduates. Learn more here.

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